Okay, actually it's "Jon & Jeannette Plus 8." (If you don't know what Jon & Kate Plus 8 is, it's a show on TLC about a family with 8 kids. I think it's a fun show to watch and Jon thinks I'm crazy for watching it because our own lives are chaotic enough and why would we need to watch someone else's chaotic life). Anyway, we lived Jon & Kate Plus 8 this last week.
We had three of the Rasmussen kids stay with us while Kirsten went to her sister's wedding reception with Karli (their youngest). We had them from Wednesday afternoon until Monday night (but their dad, Ammon had them all day Saturday and most of the day Sunday). Ammon had to work and was amazing at taking care of the kids whenever he could!
Ethan, Brynlee & Hailey were GREAT! They were so good and we loved having them with us. I think the only part they didn't like was being squished in the van a couple of times. In the mornings, I'd get Emily, Lindsey & Ethan to their respective schools, Jack and Brynlee to Covenant Preschool and then Hailey & Kate to their activities. We did ice skating lessons, dance lessons, gymnastics, piano lessons and a trip to Graeter's for icecream.
The kids were great about going to bed at night and we never heard a peep! We loved playing Play-Doh, building Legos, coloring pictures (I think the kids literally used up an entire coloring book), and playing games. There were lots of drinks of water and snacks to get, coats to put on, bathrooms to use and lots of smiling faces (some with dimples!). Thank you Rasmussen kids for being super duper good!
I had a lot of good help!!! Emily reading a story to the three girls
Wow! What a group. I love that picture of Emily reading to the kids. Nice to have such a good helper.
Seems big and overwhelming. Glad you could do it-amazing!
I'll send my four over and maybe you can have John, Kate + 12 (how would that be?)
You are a super Mom and Friend!! Thanks for taking care of my Neices and Nephew so Kirsten could be with her Family!! You are 1 in a million!! You survived!! Your amazing!
Okay, you just confirmed my suspicions. You are Wonderwoman! You are truly amazing! I cannot imagine adding three children to my five and still being sane when it was over!
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