Friday, July 2, 2010

Contest Winner - well, sort of

This is a funny story and I've laughed all day about it....

In Ohio, we lived down the street from Rita's Italian Ice. Every March through October, we could walk down and get a delicious ice or sometimes we'd add custard to it. We loved it and have really missed Rita's in Utah.

Several weeks ago, the kids and I were driving down State Street to go get Emily fitted for a soccer uniform (by the way, she did make the Murray Max competitive soccer team! Yay!) and my eyes noticed a familiar picture - a red striped/green rimmed cup. I told the kids that I thought I just saw something that looked like Rita's. So, on the way home, we watched for it carefully and sure enough, saw the pictures again. They were hanging from a small coffee shop (the kind you just drive up to) and we decided to try it out.

We asked if they had italian ice with custard and sure enough, they did. I asked the girl there what they were called and she said they were actually having a contest to name it. We filled out 4 of them, since we ordered 4 different flavors to try. The kids came up with names like Slushie Delight, Rainbow, etc., but I simply put down the real name for them - Gelati. (Now, I must say, first of all they didn't serve it in the type of cup like they advertised and it really wasn't as good as the real Rita's. But, we figured it was worth trying).

To my surprise, I received an e-mail this morning indicating that I had won the contest by naming them "Gelati's." Living in Ohio still continues to bless me daily!! You would have thought that the Utahn's who owned House of Brews, didn't know that Gelati literally means "made by layering either vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, twist (choc-van), or twist (straw-van) custard, together with any flavor water ice, with an extra swirl of custard on the top." Glad I could help!

Here's what the real Rita's look like (and the Gelati's just had custard on the top):

And here is the announcement of my winning:


Anonymous said...

ill have to go try it. I MISS and LOVE Ritas...that's funny they didn't know the name

emilyfcutler said...

Way to be smarter than the average House of Shakes owner, Jeannette! :) I like how their little advertisement is so vague! it says
"Jeannette has won
free ice & custard
for the summer
name it contest"
It almost makes it look like you got it free for the whole summer, but it doesn't even say how much you DO get, besides the free 12oz-er everyone else gets this weekend :) But good work for helping them find not only a creative name but the correct name. Reading this made me miss the Utah 4th of July festivities I tried not to think about all day working! Hope you had a great time!

Carrie said...

WAHOO! I could really go for some Rita's. I miss it too!!!

Debbie said...

that is so funny!!!!! i had a rita's the other day :) it was sooo yummy...thought of you and wished i could have walked to your house and hung out...