Saturday, February 5, 2011

Potty Training - Attempt #1

I've never really been a mom to push my kids to be potty trained. I usually wait until they are ready and close to turning 3 and then it's been really easy to do it and they have done really well. Kate potty trained herself at 2 1/2 and so I figured that maybe Hannah would be ready. She just turned 2 1/2 at the end of January and I'm planning on sending her to preschool in the fall and want her to be ready. So, I figured we'd give it a try.

She was a really good sport about putting on underwear and sitting on her "froggy potty." The first day, she had 3 accidents, but peed in the potty 4 times. Sounds pretty good, except that the poor little thing would sit on that potty for 1 1/2 hours before anything. The next day, we tried again. Again, she was able to keep dry, but would sit & sit before any action. In adding up the hours, I think she literally sat on that potty for 5-6 hours each day!

No one, obviously, has the time for that, and before she started hating the potty, I decided to stop for now and try again in a couple of months. Between ages 2 & 3 are big ones for our kids - get potty trained, move out of the crib & give up the binkie. It's a big year for this girl!!


john + becky said...

I love that picture! She is so funny...I just love her!

megadog said...

Poor little lady! I think we'll begin with Lili when she turns 3. It's always a fun, fun time!