Friday, November 11, 2011

Jack's Baptism

One of the highlights of our trip, was being able to have Jack baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!! He turned 8 and chose to be baptized and it was so fun that we were able to have it done in Russia.

A huge thank-you to my parents who made it all happen! They had some wonderful people help with set-up, cookies, etc. and it was a wonderful day. Alexander (their driver) pick us up and drove us to the church (which looks like a normal building, but the inside works as their meetinghouse).

My parents had told their missionaries that they were welcome to come to the baptism as long as they had a non-member with them. They also had arranged for a set of sister missionaries to sing and their AP's came as well. It's a huge sacrifice for any of them (and it takes hours for them to travel there), so we were so touched by all those who came.

My parents had also invited President Yakov Boiko (pronounced "Boy-ka" and Yakov is Russian for Jacob), who is the first (and currently the only) Stake President in all of Russia. He's a 32 year old, wonderful man and I know he's worked very closely with my dad to learn all about being in charge of a Stake. He traveled for over an hour to come and it was our honor to have him there.

The service was wonderful!! My dad conducted, Kate gave a talk on baptism and our kids all sang "I Know that my Savior Loves Me." My mom gave a talk on the Holy Ghost and the sister missionaries sang as well. Jon baptized Jack, as well as confirmed him a member. We invited all the missionaries there to be in the confirmation circle and it was touching to see the strength surrounding Jack. What a great blessing!

It was a day to never forget!


Jack with Alexander (the mission driver). He's wearing a pin he earned in a war - he was a fighter pilot.

Jack with the missionaries. The one to Jack's left is Elder Breedlove and one of my parents AP's. My mom has always thought that he looks like Jack!!

More missionaries, my parents & Jack

Jack & Kate

Jon & Jack

Jack with his grandparents, President & Sister Sorenson

Our family

The Bowen family, President & Sister Sorenson and President Boiko


emilyfcutler said...

great! congrats jack!

Kelsi said...

What an amazing experience to be able to do this in Russia! So cool. Loved seeing all of the pictures.

Ryan Cowley said...

How neat is that?! Tell him congratulations on his baptism!

The Lilly's said...

What an awesome thing that for the rest of his life he'll be able to tell people he was baptized in Russia! So cool!

Maya said...

congratulations to jack! how wonderful to be able to do it in russia!