Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Jack turns 10!

 On October 20th, this boy of ours turned 10!   Amazing!   We drove home from Worland on his birthday, wrapped his presents when we got home and had a quick lasagna dinner to celebrate!

Jack is a great kid and we really love him and are so glad he's in our family!  He does a pretty good job of being the only boy among all these girls!   Thank goodness for his dad - he sure loves Jon!

Things I love (and don't want to forget) about Jack at 10 years old:
* He comes home from school every day with grass stains on his knees.
* He plays on the Murray Max Black soccer team and even though he complains about going to practice, I think he really does like it!
* He is reading Harry Potter
* He plans on play football at BYU and in the NFL
* He loves playing next door with his friend, Case.
* He's a smart kid - but complains about homework
* The phrase he likes saying right now is "Fishy, Fishy!"
* He HATES putting on church clothes
* He WILL NOT admit to liking any girls
* Most nights he takes his shirt off in bed because he's too hot
* He loves the Denver Broncos
* He thinks the only appropriate meals are lasagna & steak
We sure love you Jack!!


Becky Sorenson said...

"Fishy fishy" I still laugh about this every time I think about it. It is kind of catchy :)

I'm glad we were able to be there for his birthday dinner. Love that he is an easy man to please...just give him a cookie.

megadog said...

What a cute boy! He really is a lovely little guy!

Em said...

He is such a cute boy. I can't believe he is 10.

Camille said...

Haha, I like his attitude! Ten years old, wow!!