Saturday, May 17, 2014

Arbor Day poster winner

One of the traditions on our city of Murray, Utah is an arbor day celebration!  Prior to this day, they have all the Elementary schools participate in a poster contest.  This is all done at school so that parents/friends/siblings can't help the students.   Each grade from each school selects a winner and that winner is honored at the Arbor Day celebration.

Kate won for the 2nd grade at Longview!   Jon's mom and sister Rebecca came into town the night before and so we were all able to check Kate out of school and go to this celebration.   They fed  us a BBQ lunch and then had a nice program.

Way to go Kate!

 The guy on the left is our Mayor, Ted Eyre.  And the guy at the microphone was our former mayor, Mayor Dan Snarr.   He has that long, awful mustache that goes out really far.  He was trying for a Guiness Record for the longest mustache of an elected official, but I don't know if he ever got it.


john + becky said...

That is awesome, way to go Kate! Such a good little artist.

Em said...

She is a great artist. That's really neat. Major Eyre is one of Dana's really good friend's father-in-law. He is such a nice man. We have been at parties with him a few times.