Monday, November 16, 2009

Disney on Ice

Saturday was our annual visit to see Disney on Ice. For the last 6 or 7 years, we've gone in February with a lot of our friends in Ohio, so it was sad to not be there with them and we thought about them a lot! We missed you guys!

But, it was fun to see it in Salt Lake and see it with my parents and Becky & John. (My Jon was at work, so he wasn't able to come with us this year). It was Princess Classics. We've seen it before, but it was just as fun as ever! John and my dad were such good sports because you pretty much have to check your manhood in at the door and then pick it up on the way out. John was funny and commented that we all needed to go to a Monster Truck Rally now.

The kids were great during it - only a few trips out with Hannah - so that was good! That little body just doesn't sit still for very long. Thanks again to mom, dad, Becky & John for the fun afternoon!

1 comment:

megadog said...

That was HILLARIOUS about checking your manhood in at the door.
Boy, isn't it true. These guys are pretty dang good sport.