Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dad's Retirement

Last week, my dad retired from a distinguished career as an attorney. He started at the Utah Attorney General's office and then about 20 years ago, switched to the US Attorney's Office. He had several positions and filled each of them well. His office was so kind and held a program for him. They all had such kind things to say and I was so proud of him and all of his accomplishments. My dad really is a one-in-a-million sort of guy and I'm proud to call him my dad!

Being honored by Carlie Christensen, Acting US Attorney for the State of Utah

Kind and warm remarks by his good friend, Judge Paul Warner

With his usual fun sense of humor, my dad left his office with some gifts - which included these white Mickey Mouse hands (for help in boring depositions) and the family's cream corn recipe (which apparently he spilled last Thanksgiving all over one of the stairwells).

We're so proud of you Dad!

1 comment:

Becky Sorenson said...

So proud of that man! I was so sad I missed it because of work.