Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hannah's 4th Birthday!

I can't believe that this little stinker is already 4 years old!!!   We had a great time celebrating her birthday!   It was on a Saturday this year.   The older kids had soccer practice in the morning, so after lunch, I took most of the kids (not Hailey!) to see "Brave."   Hannah was so excited to see it and she loved it!

We came home and she got to open a couple gifts.  She kept asking for a "Brave doll," so that is what she got.   I love when they have such sweet, simple tastes.  She also got a couple new books, a Magnadoodle, and a preschool dry-erase book.   

That night (since I had already done 2 family dinners that week - 24th of July & Ashlie came into town for an evening - that was so much fun!!!! ) - I decided to take the night off and we met our family at Sizzler for dinner.    Hannah likes eating there and they even put us in the banquet room, so we had it all to ourselves. 

She wanted a Dora cake, so I picked one up from Sam's Club and Sizzler brought out a couple of huge rootbeer floats.     Thank you to all that came!

We sure love our Hannie!  She is such a cute, funny, spunky little girl!

(Kate put frosting on her mouth just like Lucy had - so cute!)

Hannah at age 4:

34 lbs (30th percentile)
Shares a bedroom with Kate
Love anything electronic - tv, computer, ipad
Best friend:  Heidi Richardson
Loves to sing - especially theme songs to Disney Channel shows
Loves to wear skirts
Nickname: Hannie
She's a cautious swimmer - she just finished her first swimming lessons

In the fall, she'll go to preschool, dance & take an Up With Kids class with Kate
Crawls into bed with us most nights (brings her pillow, blanket & water with her)
I've caught her at the TV at 4:00 in the morning a couple of times

Gave up naps a year ago, but has taken a lot of them this summer
Calls me "Mama"
If I help her get something she says "Thanks Mama."

Tries to pick up and carrry Hailey all the time - poor Hailey!
She's a tattle tale on her siblings, especially Jack

We sure love you Hannah!  You make us laugh every day!  Even though you are a ton of work, you are worth it each and every day!


REBYRYAN said...

We so need to get our Hannies together for a playdate! I think they would be a hoot to watch together!

Becky Sorenson said...

I sure love that Hannie! And Brooklyn loves her more than anyone I think. I can't believe she is 4!! Hannah will always be extra special to me because I saw her birth, she was named after me, she is the 5th child, and because I spent the whole summer with my best friend right before she was born.

Kirsten said...

How, HOW can she be FOUR!?!?!?! I'm feeling so old now and it seems like yesterday that you guys were here, and that she was born. She is so darn cute and I just want to squeeze her cheeks!! She has the most darling smile. You have the cutest kids and I sure miss them!!! Can't wait to see you soon!

Andrea said...

What a cute girl! I love your list of things that you said about her! So important to write those things down . . . because (sadly) she'll probably grow out of climbing into bed with you. : )