Sunday, July 28, 2013

Swimming Lessons

 We have done a lot of swimming lessons this summer.  I've never done 2 sessions before, but I decided to this summer and even though it makes for a lot of days, it's been great!

Kate has really taken off with her swimming.   She easily passed her Level 3 during the first session and she's currently in Level 4 and loving it.  She's a great swimmer and it's been so fun to see her become really confident in the water.

And then there's Hannah.  Hannah is very timid in the water, which I am actually very grateful for.  I know that she'd never jump in when the teacher wasn't watching or something like that.   She's done really well though and she's starting to get it.   The one thing that she will not do though is jump off the diving board.  They got her up there once and they had to pull her in.  We'll see what happens this week - this is the last week of lessons.

Jack has done really well too!  He passed Level 4 during his first session and is doing Level 5 this session.  He's a great swimmer, but still has some work to do on his dives. :)

Hailey has been a really good sport during the kid's lessons.  Thankfully, there is Izzy - the dog.  There is snacks.  But most importantly, there is the I-Pad.

Great job little Bowen's!

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