Friday, October 25, 2013

What Hailey does when all the other kids go to school!

Every morning, Hailey and I send the rest of the 5 kids to school.   At 8:35 a.m., it's just her & I! 
99% of the time, I haven't had time yet to eat breakfast and look at the morning paper, so I sit down to do that and Hailey starts her daily routine...
First, she removes about 1/2 the cushions on the couch and the jumping begins...

Hailey's pretty lucky - I seriously would have never let my oldest 5 children do this.  I don't have any good reason for not stopping her - maybe just pure laziness!

On the bright side, she's a great little jumper!


Kirsten said...

Hahahaha!!!!!!!! I love this!!!! This is seriously my answer to! Why not let them do it?! ;-) It seriously looks like a little Lindsey jumping along. So cute!

Em said...

So adorable! What are cushions for? To jump on of course.

Jess said...

Hahahaha! She cracks me up!