Sunday, June 15, 2014

Jack's 4th grade plays

Now, to compare the excitement about performing that Hannah has and the dread about performing that Jack has....

This guy had 4th grade plays on the last Monday of the school year.   I knew there were plays and I knew what time it was....but this guy conveniently forgot to tell me his play was a "western" and he was supposed to wear western attire.   So, Jack went to school in an athletic shirt and shorts.

But - as least he was in it - although you could tell he hated every second of it :)

Way to go buddy - we're proud of you - I think :)

1 comment:

john + becky said...

Ha ha, oh Jack! I love that kid.

I love that he "forgot" to tell you he was supposed to wear western gear :) He knows what he likes and doesn't like! I don't blame him for his lack of excitement about being in a play..not my thing either!