Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Baby Quilts

It seems that babies come in spurts....well, it's a spurt right now! I have so many friends & family expecting babies, so I've been in the baby quilt making mood! Here are 2 that I just finished and sent to the babies...

This quilt is for sweet, little Paisley Rasmussen. She was just born a couple of weeks ago and is the most beautiful baby ever! It was fun to make this for a fellow quilter and such an amazing friend, Kirsten, because I know how much she loves quilts. I just wish that I could see this little angel in person - hopefully some time soon!

And this quilt was for Ledger Morris. Ledger was actually born back in August and his mom and I work in the PTA together. Within a few months 3 of us on the executive board had given birth. Anyway, Ledger is such a cute guy and a fun surprise for this great family (their youngest before Ledger is Lindsey's age).

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