Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pinewood Derby

Jack recently participated in his first Pinewood Derby! He loved every part of the process - from designing and cutting out the car to racing the car. He loves doing anything with Jon, so this was a fun thing to do together. He wanted BYU car and Jon was more than happy to comply with that request.

Jack with his race car

Anxiously watching the races

His car ended up getting 4th place overall and all the boys had a great time. There weren't any tears (that I saw), so the night was considered a success!

And the best part, were the treats I did....

It's a Twinkie with mini oreos stuck on with frosting - quick, easy & so cute!


Becky Sorenson said...

Cute twinkies!

Jack looks so cute in his shirt and with his car.

megadog said...

Looks like a fun event! Can't believe how high tech the "derby" has become with the computer screen-wow! Love your derby cars--so cute!

Laur said...

Hey you! I am glad you told me about your blog. I think mine should be un-privatized now :)