Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hailey's birthday

When you're the 6th child in a family, you get lots of extra kisses, extra attention, someone is always around to hold you and you are VERY loved, but you do have a pretty mellow 1st birthday!   We had our families over for dinner on Easter (2 days after Hailey's birthday), so we kept Hailey's actual birthday really low key.  She got a couple of new toys and a new outfit.  I picked up a store-bought cake and we sang to her and let her play in it.   She dug right in and loved the taste of chocolate!

She was her usual darling self and she's gotten a hold of all of our hearts!

What a doll!


Becky Sorenson said...

She IS a doll....and that's my girl, digging right in to her cake! She is the smallest, sweetest 1 yr old I have ever known.

megadog said...

She is such a cute girl. What a little blessing she has been to your family. Happy Birthday!

Em said...

She is such a little doll! How can she be 1?

Kelsi said...

She is so dang cute. I can't believe how fast a year can go by! Can't wait to see her this summer and see how much she has changed.