I guess it's probably a good idea to record on our blog about our super exciting news that we are expecting baby #7 on June, 4, 2015!
I'm almost 29 weeks along now and so far, so good with this pregnancy. I am so grateful for each day and the wonderful movements I feel as this little one moves around. Our hope and prayer is that we get far enough along into the pregnancy to have a healthy baby who can come home with us and not have to stay at the NICU.
I had almost given up hope on having one last baby. Ever since Hailey was about 18 months, I struggled to know whether we should have another baby. Deep in my heart, I really wanted one more, but I wanted it to be a mutual decision with Jon and also know whether or not that was what the Lord had in mind as well. After many, many, many, many, many prayers, I finally felt that it was up to us. I am married to such a good man and Jon was so kind and supportive, even though, another baby would change our lives (just like they all do).
But, then, we had 3 miscarriages in a row. The first of these was a molar pregnancy (discovered at 10 weeks), the second was a normal miscarriage at 8 weeks, and then another molar pregnancy (discovered at 6 weeks). These were devastating! I physically recovered quickly, but it was so hard to go through weeks and weeks of early pregnancy symptoms (worse during the molar pregnancies), only to be empty-handed at the end. Our doctor was really supportive - especially considering that I was quickly approaching 40 - and already had 6 kids!
I will eternally be grateful for the thoughts and prayers and acts of kindness shown towards me and our family during these miscarriages. For the most part, there wasn't time to sit around and be sad. There were a million things to drive the kids to and lots of messes to clean up :)
Jon and I had decided to try one more time to get pregnant, but gave ourselves just until the end of 2014 to do it. I turned 40 in October and so we just thought we'd see what happened. In mid-September, I went to St. George with my wonderful Ohio friends. I had a great time and loved seeing a couple babies that were brought along. But, when I got home, I told Jon that I was actually okay with being done with 6. I was ready to move out of that phase of life and just enjoy the next. Jon was thrilled!
Then, ironically, two days later, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive! Jon was a great sport about the news and we anxiously waited for our first appointment (around 6 weeks) to see if it was a viable fetus. Everything appeared to be just fine! Then we waited for our 8 week and 10 week checkups to again make sure that everything was still as it should be. Jon and I didn't tell anyone- just in case.
After our 10 week appointment, we were sure excited to tell our parents, siblings and kids! Everyone was so supportive and kind. I've felt pretty good. I had the usual yuckiness during the first trimester - around 3 in the afternoon, I'd just feel gross. Then, not until 5 pm., then 8 p.m. and then it went away. Our appointments have gone well. I've had traces of protein in my urine (which is what has happened in all my pregnancies since Lindsey) and during Kate's pregnancy, I had the traces of protein the whole time. It's not a problem unless those levels start to increase. We're trying to watch those close. Some blood tests came back inconclusive near the middle of the pregnancy, but after a detailed ultrasound, the baby seems to be okay.
I proposed to the kids that we should wait and be surprised about the gender of the baby. Without even hesitating, Jack said "We better find out. If it's another girl, I'm going to need time to pack." I think he seriously would consider making other living arrangements if he had a 6th sister! So, we decided to find out!
Jon had taken a "peek" before our official ultrasound, so we had a pretty good idea, but we were excited to tell the kids that:
IT'S A BOY!!!!
We had girl and boy binkies in a bag and they opened the baby to find out what the gender was!
They were so cute when we told them, especially Jack. They will be such great big sisters and brother to him. We are all super excited to meet him (but not for several more weeks!)! I can't believe how quickly all these kids are growing up! I just love each of them so much and am so grateful to be a mom!
Here's to changing our lives again by adding lucky baby #7!!