Friday, April 29, 2011

Weight Gain

So, Hailey needs to gain weight and I need to lose weight! We are taking her a couple of times a week to be weighed and some times it's good news and some times it's not so good news. These are the highs & lows of a preemie.

She's doing really great though and is trying her best to gain. I nurse her as often as I can and as often as she seems awake enough to do it. Other times (like in the middle of the night), I pump and then give her a bottle.

Here's her weight gain so far:

Sunday, April 17th - day of discharge from the hospital - 3 lbs. 15.8 oz.

Tuesday, April 19th - 4 lbs. 2 oz.

Friday, April 22nd - 4 lbs. 5 oz.

Monday, April 25th - 4 lbs. 11 oz.

Friday, April 29th - 4 lbs. 11 1/2 oz.

We were so excited that she had gained so much on Monday, but disappointed that she hadn't gained much by Friday. But, on Monday, she had just eaten and then pooped right after we left. Today, she had eaten about 2 1/2 hours before. So, we'll go again twice next week and see if we can fatten this little girl up!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter 2011

We had a great Easter weekend this year! It was my mom's last couple of days in Utah before returning to Russia (for 2 more years!). On Friday night, my mom, Emily & Lindsey stayed up and made some yummy little cakes that they had sampled at Williams Sonoma. The girls had a great time and it was fun to watch them all cooking together.

On Saturday morning, we let the kids dye Easter eggs. After coloring them, they did their own version of an Easter egg hunt in the yard. Each child took a turn hiding the eggs and then the others would go find it. It took them hours, so it was great!

On Sunday morning, we got ready for Church. My mom stayed with Hailey and the rest of us went to Church. It was good to back and do sharing time in Primary, but it was exhausting! We came home and I was able to take a good nap and then my mom made Easter dinner and we had my siblings over. It was such a treat to have someone else make dinner and to spend time with family! Easter is a great holiday!

Our cute little Easter egg!
(My cute Aunt Pat made this little cocoon for Hailey - it's so cute)

Emily (11), Kate (5), Jack (7), Lindsey (9) & Hannah (2)

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Last week, we took pictures of Brooklyn & Hailey together. They are both so cute and I hope will be best of friends growing up!! Brooklyn is 3 months old and Hailey was 2 weeks in this picture.

Brooklyn, Hailey & a Barbie (no, I didn't have time to dress the Barbie. We wanted something to compare the size of Hailey to.)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Welcome Home Hailey!

Oh my! I am not finding any time to blog! (And, I cannot get the spacing to work - so it ends up being one long paragraph - if anyone knows how to fix it, I'd love to know!!!) Anyway, we were really excited last Saturday when the NICU told us that Hailey would be going home on Sunday. She needed to pass a car seat test (being strapped in her carseat for an hour with no problems), but we were to come and get her Sunday morning. One of the nurses told us that in working there 10 years, Hailey was only the 2nd baby to go home under 4 lbs. She came home at 3 lbs. 15.8 oz.

She has been an absolute joy to have in our home! She is so calm and mellow and easygoing! She hardly ever cries and sleeps a ton. She has been a great nurser. I nurse her 2-3 times a day and then pump for the other feedings. We had a calorie booster to the bottles and I have to wake her up every 3 hours to eat.

We took her to the pediatrician on Tuesday and she weighed 4 lbs. 2 oz. and then again today and she was 4 lbs. 5 oz. Yay! I'll take her again on Monday as well. Once she reaches 5 lbs. then we won't have to do quite so many weight checks.

Here are a few pictures of this little angel....

We were SOOOOO grateful for Jon's mom coming for a week! She was so wonderful to be at home with the kids, help Hannah with millions of puzzles, and coming with me to the NICU to visit Hailey.

And, we are SOOOOO grateful for my mom coming all the way from Russia! She was able to get special permission to come and it's been great to have her here too. She's driven me nearly everywhere over the past week and has been a huge help too!

We have the best moms!

I caught this little smile while Hailey was still in the NICU.

All dressed and ready to go home!

Jon looks awake here, but really, he slept almost the entire time they were getting us discharged. He had worked an overnight, but came with me to get her.

Going home - so tiny in that carseat!

Home at last!

We got home while the kids were at Church and they were soooo excited to FINALLY see Hailey in person for the first time. They were all so patient in waiting to meet her and it was wonderful to finally be able to let them hold her.

No, there are no pictures of Jack holding her. He's a bit overwhelmed at the thought of 5 sisters and I'm sure one of these days will hold Hailey for the first time.

Friday, April 15, 2011

NICU update

I need to download more pictures, but a quick update on Hailey.....the bottom line is, she is doing great! The NICU at St. Mark's right now to a bustling place - there are new babies coming in and out of there every day. Hailey's had all sorts of "neighbors." Loud ones, small ones, huge ones, quiet ones. And she just quietly puts up with whoever is next door! The nurses just love her - and I can't blame them. They wake her every 3 hours to change her diaper, take her temperature and feed her. Then, she goes right back to sleep and snoozes until it's time to do it all again. She's really mellow and super, duper sweet. I've been really fortunate in that I've been able to go over at her noon feeding and 9:00 p.m. feeding each day. A few days ago, they let me nurse her, so we usually try for those 2 feedings a day. Some times it goes great and sometimes it doesn't. It's a lot more work for her to nurse than to just drink the breastmilk from a bottle, but she's been a good little trooper. The neonatalogist talked with us today and said she's pretty much ready to come home except they'd like to see her gain a little more weight. She got down to 3 lbs. 10 oz. and is slowly creeping back up, but they'd like to see it be more. They add a calorie booster to each bottle and she's been good about eating it. We are excited to have her come home, but we also love that she's so protected there and well cared for. (She has no idea that she's not an only child!). Anyway, she is the sweetest little thing and we just adore her. She's beautiful, perfect and just a little minature baby! Way to go Hailey!

Monday, April 11, 2011

She has a name - finally!

We are pleased to welcome: Hailey Grace Bowen

Sunday, April 10, 2011

What a Trooper!

Here are more pictures of our sweet baby! I left the hospital yesterday evening and even though it was hard to leave without her, it's good to be home. The kids did really well, but it was definitely time for mom to get back home. How can I ever thank Jon, my mother-in-law, my siblings, our families, our friends & our ward enough ??!! Holy Cow! The baby is now off of all IV's, feeding tubes, oxygen and is getting all her calories through bottles with breastmilk & calorie enhancers. They only had to put a little feeding tube down her nose for about 24 hours, but she'd done so well with sucking and keeping awake long enough to get the milk down, that they took it out. They're going to see how she does with room temperature (outside of her isolette) tonight. They've been letting us hold her twice a day - for about 1/2 hour. We get to feed her and burp her and then they like to let her rest and sleep peacefully. The kids haven't been able to see her in person. We've been able to get the nurses to let us hold her up to the window so they could take a peek, but they are still waiting to meet their new sister for the first time. They've been such a good sports about it and so understanding. Thank you again to everyone! Oh, how we love you!
Becky holding the baby (she's got an IV in her head underneath that hat).

Maybe only a mother could love this little face, but it cracks me up. She reminds me of a little bird that has just hatched. The little tube from her nose was the feeding tube.

Sunday morning - April 10, 2011 - Grandma Bowen

Friday, April 8, 2011

Birth Story

***Warning...rantings of a new mom...this is long and I can't get the spacing to work!!*** What a week! One that we will never forget! We are thrilled to welcome our sweet, little baby and have instantly fallen in love with her. We're figuring out her name, but here are the things that led to her early arrival: * Prenatal Visit (32 weeks) - Tuesday, March 29th - Up to this point, everything had been great with our pregnancy. I felt really good and am someone who loves being pregnant - especially feeling the baby move, etc. At this visit, I was measured at 31 and the baby's heart rate was great. BUT, there were traces of protein in my urine. This was disappointing, but not shocking (as it's happened with the last 4 pregnancies). Dr. Brown wasn't overly concerned because "trace protein" in and of itself is fine. I asked for a few dipsticks to take home and then scheduled my 34 week check. * Wednesday, March 30th through Sunday, April 3 - We took a family trip to Union, OR to visit Jon's parents while the kids had spring break. We had a wonderful, relaxing time! * Sunday night/early Monday morning - April 4th - When we got home from Union, I dipped a urine stick and could easily tell the protein level had increased. During the night on Sunday, I didn't feel the baby move around very much, so I called my doctor's office on Monday morning. They told me to go to Labor & Delivery for a non-stress test. Jon & I headed over there after getting kids to school/preschool & Hannah to play with Heidi (Alisha - thank you again so much!). (Although, we did take our neice, Brooklyn with us. I watch her on Mondays and she's still at such an easy age, that we just took her. She was really good and Jon took care of her. I know hospitals see all types, but I'm sure they wondered what we were doing there 33 weeks pregnant with an 11 week old). The NST went fine and they felt like the baby was doing well enough to send us home. But, they wanted me to collect 24 hours of urine and then come back on Tuesday for another NST. I was so grateful to have the chance to go home and spend the afternoon getting things put away from our trip and clean a little bit. I also packed a hospital bag, just in case... * Tuesday, April 5, 2011 - My sister Becky came over to work from our house (how tricky that must have been!) and watch Hannah (and later all the kids when they got home from school/playdates). Jon and I went in for the NST. They hooked us up and over the course of a few hours, put an IV in, took blood work and watched the baby. They weren't thrilled with what she was doing on the NST. Every once in awhile, when I'd have a contraction, her heart rate would dip low and would take longer than they'd like to get back up. The protein level from the 24 urine came back really high. Normal is right around 100, mine was over 600, which probably means the protein level was near a +5. My doctor came in and we decided to start a course of 2 steroid injections (24 hours apart, ideally), have an ultrasound done to determine fluid levels & size of the baby, and to keep me in the hospital on monitors and watch her heartrate. Our goal at that point, was to make it to Thursday and then do a C-Section (unless she suddenly had absolutely perfect heartrates and the protein seemed to be controlled). They did the steroid injection (in the bum), which hurt! Talk about thick serum! The ultrasound went well and the fluid levels were still great. The baby looked good and they estimated she'd be about 4 lbs. 7 oz. (although they told us it was give or take a pound). We made the decision to fly Jon's mom in from Oregon and looking back, everything fell in to place for that to happen. Jon's sister Anne had gone up to Oregon with us and was already planning on staying about a week and a half longer. And then, his sister, Rebecca, ended up helping a co-worker by taking a couple of weeks off. Those 2 great sister-in-laws, were willing to let Diane come and help us, while they stayed to take care of Jon's dad. Jon went home around 6 to finally relieve Becky & John from our kids. He gathered them up and brought them to the hospital, mostly so they could see that I was fine and that everything was calm and okay. They didn't stay very long as they were exhausted. As, I settled in for the night around 10:30, everything seemed fine on the monitors. But, as soon as I would doze off, the baby's heart rate would drop during contractions (or non contractions) and they'd come in and have me shift around to try to get her to happy again. It was a really long night, with not more than a few minutes of sleep. The nurses talked with my doctor (who happened to be on call) on and off during the night and then came in at 7:00 a.m. and told me that Dr. Brown felt it was better to do the C-Section that morning instead of waiting another 24 hours for the steroids. They did give me the 2nd steroid shot and then I called Jon to tell him to come over. We were so blessed that my brother Mike could watch the little kids at our house, so as soon as he got there, Jon came over to the hospital. They had me all prepped for surgery, so as soon as Jon was ready, we walked back to the OR. Jack's C-Section was much more emergent (I walked into the hospital and an hour later, he was out), so this one's prep was much more calm. I had a really great anesthesiologist, my own doctor was there to do the C-Section, and I had a really great ER doctor at my side!! That doctor was the one who knew right when to slip me his hand (during my spinal block) and what to tell me during the surgery. The surgery went well and our sweet baby was born at 9:50 a.m. and came out screaming! What an incredible blessing! I was so happy to hear her screaming over and over (probably more than any of our other kids have screamed). Jon said she was quite blue when she first came out, but pinked up really quickly. The doctor also said she was quite tangled in her cord - it was around her leg, her arm and and her body. They weighed and measured her and she was 3 lbs. 15 oz. and 17 1/2 inches long. Jon went with her to the NICU while they stitched me up, but he was back by the time they finished. He said that she was doing really well - including breathing completely on her own. They immediately started an IV on her, and hooked her up to the normal wires (heartrate, oxygen levels, etc). She is perfect in every way - just a miniature version of a healthy baby. She has really long fingers & hands (like Lindsey), blonde eyebrows and a little blonde hair at the front of her head and a little darker hair in the back. Having a baby in the NICU is full of highs & lows. One visit to peek at her is uplifting and positive and the next can be emotional and tough. We are eternally grateful for each and every thought and prayer that have been sent out way. We feel them, those prayers are being answered, they strengthen us and we are excited to watch this sweet baby grow!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


So, here are some pictures of this beauty!!!
This was about 10 hours after she was born. She needed a little extra oxygen, so they gave her some. This was the first time I got to hold her. (The other little tube by her chin is an IV that's in her right hand).

I love this picture because it shows some of her blonde-ness. Her eye brows are really light and the front part of her head. The back hair (the little bit she has), is much darker.

Proud Mom!
This picture was taken this morning. She's just hanging out in her little isolette. They had taken her off oxygen during the night.

Sweet, little face!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

She's here!!

Baby girl Bowen is here!

Born @ 9:45 this morning via c-section.

3 lbs 15 oz

17 inches long

I will let Jeannette go into more detail later, but the baby didn't do too well overnight and her heart rate kept dropping, so the doctor decided to get her out. The cord was wrapped around her little arm and leg and she came out screaming. Jeannette and baby are doing well.

Enjoy a couple pictures I got of her below:

She is so sweet and petite!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Update on the little lady

This is Becky (Jeannette's sister).

Just an update on the baby...Jeannette and Jon have been at the hospital most of the day doing tests and monitoring the baby's heart rate. The doctor is going to give Jeannette a steroid shot to help the baby's lungs develop quicker and will do an ultrasound after to check size, amniotic fluid, etc. They will do another steroid shot on Thursday and most likely do a c-section after that. Jeannette will stay in the hospital until the baby is born.

I will keep you all updated!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Little Lady's Lung Development

Well, here we go again!! Protein has started to show up in my urine (just like the last 4 pregnancies), so I spent a couple of hours in Labor & Delivery this morning doing a Non-Stress Test. Thankfully, the baby seems to be doing okay so far, but the protein level has increased substantially over the last several days. I'll go in again tomorrow for another NST and we'll go from there. Thankfully, we are 33 weeks along, so further than we were with Jack. We're praying and hoping that her lungs will have the time they need to be ready for life. Thank you to everyone for your love & support!