Sunday, April 10, 2011

What a Trooper!

Here are more pictures of our sweet baby! I left the hospital yesterday evening and even though it was hard to leave without her, it's good to be home. The kids did really well, but it was definitely time for mom to get back home. How can I ever thank Jon, my mother-in-law, my siblings, our families, our friends & our ward enough ??!! Holy Cow! The baby is now off of all IV's, feeding tubes, oxygen and is getting all her calories through bottles with breastmilk & calorie enhancers. They only had to put a little feeding tube down her nose for about 24 hours, but she'd done so well with sucking and keeping awake long enough to get the milk down, that they took it out. They're going to see how she does with room temperature (outside of her isolette) tonight. They've been letting us hold her twice a day - for about 1/2 hour. We get to feed her and burp her and then they like to let her rest and sleep peacefully. The kids haven't been able to see her in person. We've been able to get the nurses to let us hold her up to the window so they could take a peek, but they are still waiting to meet their new sister for the first time. They've been such a good sports about it and so understanding. Thank you again to everyone! Oh, how we love you!
Becky holding the baby (she's got an IV in her head underneath that hat).

Maybe only a mother could love this little face, but it cracks me up. She reminds me of a little bird that has just hatched. The little tube from her nose was the feeding tube.

Sunday morning - April 10, 2011 - Grandma Bowen


Becky Sorenson said...

I cannot stop laughing/smiling at how CUTE that "bird" picture is. And she DOES NOT look like a bird. I LOVE IT. I think I'm going to frame this picture and put it on my desk at work..I can't stop looking at it. I love her so much.

The Lilly's said...

when I'm at work in the nicu I often think about how hard it would be to go home without your baby. I'm glad you have such a great support system. It sounds like she is progressing wonderfully, she is a doll!

lisa h. said...

She is adorable!

Misty said...

She is super cute! She's already been through a lot in her little life... she really is a trooper! I'm glad everything is going well!

Andrea said...

Oh, what great pictures! I'm glad that you were able to come home. Hang in there! It sounds like she's doing so well - better and better every day.

I love the name! Couldn't help but think of the Rasmussen's. Maybe her blond/brown hair will turn to red!?! : )

Em said...

Love her little bird face. She is just the sweetest, cutest little baby. Glad to hear how strong and determined she already is. What a gal!