There are lots of "mom pay days" at the end of each school year! Busy, busy days, but fun to see kids finish up projects, perform (next post), participate in fun activities at school, etc.
As usual, I spent a ton of time at the Elementary school volunteering with the PTA. Somehow I found myself once again volunteering to be PTA President next year! What??!!
There were some fun things that happened in April & May
In April, we held our first annual Fun Run. This was a blast! The weather was gorgeous. The cute mom in charge did an amazing job and had a ton of volunteers. I wa
s at a station near the back of the school directing runners for the 3 mile or 1 mile runs. Jon moved a shift at work so that he could be there, so I made him take some pics.
Hannah was chosen as the 2nd grade girl to start ahead of everyone else.
Kate ran a great race!
Hannah won the 1-mile for the school
The race that day really motivated Jack, Kate & Hannah for running and we ended up signing them up for Rec Track & Field and they enjoyed that as well.
Emily ran for Jr. Class office and made some pretty cute posters. The cutie ended up winning so she'll have a blast doing student government next year at Murray High.
Each year, the city of Murray, celebrates Arbor Day and invites all of the Elementary Schools to participate in a drawing contest. We got notification that Kate not only got a district award, but was also the Central Utah Winner for the 4th grade. They honored the winners at a nice luncheon and program at Murray Park. I think she was more excited to be checked out of school than for the actual award!
My cute mom came to support her
Rebecca and Diane made the long trek down to Utah to watch the girls dance show and we were lucky to have them here for Hannah's Americana program. The 2nd graders sung a ton of cute patriotic songs, did a little dancing and were just all around really cute!
Hannah and her best buddies - Heidi, Micah, Treyton & Owen
Hannah's amazing teacher, Mrs. Page. She gets to have Mrs. Page next year in a 2nd/3rd grade split and Hannah couldn't be more thrilled!