Thursday, September 29, 2016

Jason & Buena's Reception

Jon's nephew, Jason, married a beautiful, sweet, amazing woman, Buena this summer.  We are so happy to welcome her into the Bowen family.  They were able to have a reception in Provo the night before their sealing.  It was an extra treat to have Diane and Beth (and Savanna) drive from Union to come.

 Lindsey & Hailey

 Beth & Savanna

 Jason, Buena & Diane

 Jason & his mom, Anne

 Jon's brother Bob and Anne's husband Dave

 What a cute couple!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Gateway Fountains & Voice Recital

One of the days after we got home from Worland, we met my mom, Becky, Misty & Mandy and all the kids at Gateway to run through the fountains.  We got there right at 10, which meant our kids were the only ones there for most of the time.   Hannah was the most interested in getting wet :)

After playing, we drove over to City Creek Mall and ate lunch at the food court. I love those kind of summer days!

 Zoey & Jake



 Sophia & Kate


 Sophia, Kate, Hailey, Zoey & Brooklyn

 Hannah joined at the end :)


 Alyssa & Jake


 My mom and Mr. Grumpy Pants

 Brooklyn, Hannah & Hailey

Lindsey, Kate & Hannah have all taken voice lessons from an amazing teacher in our neighborhood, Chantelle.   In June, they had a voice recital.  Lindsey had stopped taking lessons a little bit ago, but Chantelle asked her to come and sing with Kate & Hannah.  They did such a great job!  I'm so proud of them!

Chantelle and her cute students