Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Easter in Eastern Oregon

We were able to drive to Oregon to be with Jon's parents for Easter and we had a great time. We hadn't been there for Easter for about 8 years. Jon's sister Sarah and her family were there and Jon's brother Tom, also drove up. We left on Thursday morning and then came home on Monday morning.

Unfortunately, the weather was windy, cold & snowy (when we left), but we still had a fun time doing indoor things. We brought our Wii, so that entertained the kids for hours and hours. We played "Ticket to Ride" (our favorite!), I brought my mom's sewing machine (mine was in the shop being fixed - so I did a little sewing), watched movies and just enjoyed being together.

On Friday morning, the ward had a Primary activity, so we went to that and it was great. The Primary Presidency did a great job with games for the younger & older kids, letting them have an Easter egg hunt, explaining why we celebrate Easter and feeding them hollow rolls and cheese puffs - in the shape of a carrot.

Hannah getting ready to color

Lindsey and an easter egg roll

Grandma and Hannah

Kate coloring an easter basket to collect eggs in

All the listening to egg hunt instructions

I apologize for this picture, but I had to put it in. This poor girl can never ever keep her pants up!

This is Bridget - she married Jon's cousin and she's just the cutest mom! She was explaining to the kids about the meaning of Easter.


On Saturday, we let the kids dye eggs. They all loved it! Gracie (Sarah's daughter loved cracking them and eating them more than coloring them.) The kids then did their own hunt in the backyard.

Emily & Kate


Danny (Sarah's little boy) & Jack

Grandma & Hannah (Can you tell that Hannah just loves her so much?)



On Easter morning, the kids were excited to find their baskets. When the Easter Bunny goes to Oregon, he hids the baskets well. The older the child, the harder it is to find. Jack's was hidden in the oven, Lindsey's was in the coat closet underneath and jacket and Emily's was in the piano!

Hannah knew right what to do with the candy

All the kids waiting to search




Emily finding her basket

After the first session of General Conference, we went over to Jon's aunt and uncles (Don & Joyce's) for lunch and another easter basket hunt. We had yummy chili and homemade bread and enjoyed time with Jon's extended family. Then, the dad's hide all the baskets - again, the older you are the harder it is to find. The dad's always go way out - they have literally been known to put them high in trees, underneath bridges and one year they even buried one!

Hannah finding an egg

Emily's basket was attached to the branch, over the creek

Kate's basket

Jack's basket

And poor Lindsey - her basket is on top of the flag pole.

Jon making her think she has to climb the pole.

The best basket was for Jon's cousin, Kara. Her loving brothers hid it underneath this bridge and Kara had to go in the water to get it. The wind was blowing so hard that day and it was freezing! She was a really good sport!

We hope you all had a great Easter too!


megadog said...

Sounds like a ton of fun. I particularly love the booty shot of Kate and the basket under the bridge. Those will be memories your kids will have forever.

emilyfcutler said...

oh how I MISS the Easters in Eastern OR!! Thanks for making me all jealous and, more importantly, happy! I'm glad you guys had a great time!