Monday, April 26, 2010

Emily's Science Experiment

The 4th grade just concluded a science experiment section and Emily did a great job on hers. She decided to plant seeds in different types of soil and see which one did the best. She used regular garden dirt, dirt with turkey fertilizer, dirt with Miracle Grow, dirt with fertilizer & Miracle Grow, sand and plain turkey fertilizer. Interestingly, the sand and the dirt with Miracle Grow did the best.

For a several weeks, she'd water them and we'd take some pictures of them. My mom helped us too by watching them when we went to Oregon for Easter. Then, the 4th graders set up their posters at school and the parents and students could come and see them. Good work Emily!!


Ryan Cowley said...

Love it! A science project that can help mom grow a great garden!! Thanks for the info!

john + becky said...

She's so you're glad to have those plants out of your house! :)

Kirsten said...

That's soooo cute and what a neat idea! I'm for sure tucking this one away for when I'm going to need it in a couple of years!! Good work you guys!

p.s. Love the board with the letters and everything. Nice work! ;-D

lisa h. said...

it's good to see they still use those display boards. i loved doing science fairs at school. good job!

emilyfcutler said...

look at her smile! Next experiment: how much of a room can her smile light up!

megadog said...

Dang science fair!
Izzy did hers on cell phones and driving.
I love Em's progject and her board is just adorable.