My sister-in-law, Beth, had a baby back in October and I sent her some homemade burp clothes that I just loved having with Hailey (my cousin Meg taught me how to make them). One of the fabrics had little skulls on it and it was from a really cute pirate line. Beth loved it and asked if I knew where she could get some. I looked online and I went back to the store where I got the fat quarter and they were out of it.
Then, a few weeks ago, I went to a different fabric store and they happened to have some. So, I knew that was the quilt I wanted to make for baby Jared. I think it turned out really, really cute!

And then, I visit teach a great woman, Tiffany, and she just had her first little girl (she already has a little boy). I always enjoy visiting with Tiffany and was excited to make her this quilt for sweet little Lauren.
I love the pirate one...that turned out sooo cute.
You should time yourself one time on how fast you can whip out one of those quilts :)
Again...these are amazing!!! You are so incredible and talented and although you never have much time to yourself you always use it to benefit others. Can I just tell you that Paisley's quilt is her favorite? She loves to lay out on it and it is so beautiful! Amazing job as always!!!
Thanks for making the CUTE and CUTE Qult you made for my girl! You did a wonderful and nice Job making that qult! You are so kind to doing it and thinking about my girl:)
You always make cute things all the time. Someday I want to do the things you do:)
Gorgeous. You are truly talented! I loved the pirate quilt so much. That is just adorable.
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