Friday, February 1, 2013

Celebrating Kate's Birthday

 We decided to celebrate Kate's birthday over the course of a couple of weeks!      On her birthday, Jon & Jack were in Denver for the Broncos playoff game, so it was just the girls!  We were going to go to Artic Circle at Kate's request for her birthday and meet my siblings there, but a huge snowstorm came in, so we couldn't.   I ventured out to McDonald's (thankfully it's not very far from us) and brought that home for us to eat.    Then, we watched "The Spy Next Door" and ate popcorn.  We even stuck a candle in the popcorn bowl to sing to Kate.

The next day, Lindsey made Kate this darling cake.  There's a paintbrush on the upper left hand side and a puppy on the upper right hand side.  The cake was a cute turquoise color and it tasted delicious.

Then, on Sunday, we had a family birthday dinner for her.  She wanted spaghetti (yea!  Easy!) and brownies.   (Thankfully Jon & Jack arrived home safely about 2:30 in the morning after driving home from Denver).

Then, 2 weeks later, we had her friend party!   Over the summer, I signed Kate & Hannah up for some days of camp at The Little Gym and Kate happened to win 1/2 a birthday party.  So, we had her party at The Little Gym!  Easiest party ever!!!   And the kids had a blast!
They literally do everything - even serve the cake and icecream!  

The kids get to play in the gym for an hour.  There are 2 instructors there that play games and dance and use the gymnastics equipment.  Then, they came out for cupcakes and icecream and finished off by opening gifts back in the gym.   (They even write a list of who game what gifts).

 Cute birthday girl!
Hannah and Cohen (he's a darling little boy that lives next door that loves to play with Kate.  He's only 3, but he kept up with all the 7 year olds just fine).

 Kage & Kate
 Kate was NOT excited that we made her invite Hannah. She was worried that Hannah would "bug" her the whole time, but Hannah just did her own thing and had a fun time!

I love Kate's friends - they are so cute!
L to R:  Nicole Castro, Josie Richardson, Hailee Jensen, Carson Fullmer, Cheyenne Frank, Kage Mendenhall, Sahara Yates, Ava Vorwaller, Cohen Elliott, Brie Cooper & Hannah


Becky Sorenson said...

I still can't believe Kate is 7. I feel like she has grown up the fastest of all your kids.

Her party looks like it was fun...and nice to have it be so easy!

Kelsi said...

I think of all of your kids, Kate has grown up and changed the most since we have moved. Kind of like Becky said! She is so cute. That is awesome that Jon and Jack went to the Bronco's game!

emilyf said...

I love the candle in the popcorn! 7 already, whew!