Here's another funny Bowen story for you and a glimpse into our lives...last night Becky had an interview with her Bishop and I had a recipe exchange that I went to. I decided to take Emily and Lindsey with me, which left Jon, Jack and Kate home. The night before, Jon had only gotten a couple of hours of sleep since he was preparing a lecture for the next morning. Becky left, then I left with the girls. When I left, Jack and Kate were sitting at the kitchen table and Jon was asleep on the couch. I set a timer for 10 minutes and told Jack to wake dad up when it went off and then he'd give them a bath.
Fast forward an hour and a half later....Becky walks through the kitchen door and finds Jack and Kate still sitting at the kitchen table and Jon is now sleeping in the La-Z-Boy instead of the couch. Jack is playing Webkinz on the computer and Kate is just watching him play. Apparently, Jack had woken up Jon after the 10 minutes, Jon re-set the timer for 12 minutes, but it went off after 1 minute 20 seconds and then thought he'd just doze for a couple more minutes.
I got home about 5 minutes after Becky and we discovered that in order to keep Kate happy, Jack had gotten a pile of zoo pal plates out, then had gotten a package of grasshopper cookies out of the pantry and then finally, given her a glue stick. Kate had thoughtfully glued about 30 circle punches together that I had punched out earlier in the day. When I asked her about it, she was proud of her work and said "You're welcome" after I thanked her for her help.
I was grateful that the damage from an hour and a half on their own was only picking up a stack of plates, brushing cookie crumbs out of their teeth and scraping glue off the kitchen table. Thanks Jack! What a guy!
Fast forward an hour and a half later....Becky walks through the kitchen door and finds Jack and Kate still sitting at the kitchen table and Jon is now sleeping in the La-Z-Boy instead of the couch. Jack is playing Webkinz on the computer and Kate is just watching him play. Apparently, Jack had woken up Jon after the 10 minutes, Jon re-set the timer for 12 minutes, but it went off after 1 minute 20 seconds and then thought he'd just doze for a couple more minutes.
I got home about 5 minutes after Becky and we discovered that in order to keep Kate happy, Jack had gotten a pile of zoo pal plates out, then had gotten a package of grasshopper cookies out of the pantry and then finally, given her a glue stick. Kate had thoughtfully glued about 30 circle punches together that I had punched out earlier in the day. When I asked her about it, she was proud of her work and said "You're welcome" after I thanked her for her help.
I was grateful that the damage from an hour and a half on their own was only picking up a stack of plates, brushing cookie crumbs out of their teeth and scraping glue off the kitchen table. Thanks Jack! What a guy!
What a sweet boy!! You must be so proud.
i think you got off easy on this one. could've been a huge disaster.
I am amazed that is all you had to do. Good job, Jack.
too funny. jack was trained well. and "somebody" must have known that Jon really needed a nap, so helped jack help kate. Don't you love it! Bless you all.
WOW!!! You are a lucky lady or should we say you just have great kids!!! But that Kate loves to get into things.
I think they passed the time very creatively.
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