Jeannette and Jon have another little baby GIRL!! She was born last night at 9:04 p.m, weighed in at 6lbs 6 ozs, and was 20 inches long. The name is still undecided but will most likely be Hannah Rebecca Bowen. Both Jeannette and the baby are doing great and the other kids were so excited to meet their new sister and happy she's finally here! More details coming soon
Congratulations! Jeannette, you look great. I am so glad she made it here safely. She is a good size for being a little early too. We're so happy for you and glad everything went well. Love her name (if that is what it ends up being). Love you all.
Congratulations Bowen Family!!! Sure looks perfect to me!
Congratulations! I'm so glad to hear that everything went well. HOpe you have a good recovery!
Yeah for you guys! The wait is over!! We are so excited for you and can't wait to meet your new edition! I know she's as cute as the rest. Jeannette you made with flying colors!!! I love the family picture-you guys have a beautiful, sweet and GROWING family!! Congratulations from all of us! We love you guys!
Congrats Jeanette!!! You are looking really fresh in the pictures. She is so cute-look at those lips!
Yay!!! Congratulations! She's gorgeous. :)
congrats! she's beautiful!
Oh we are so happy for you guys!!!! Congrats, she is beautiful and Jeannette you look amazing!!! You guys have a beautiful family!!! Good luck with everything!!
Yea Yea Yea!!! Congratulations! She's adorable!!! I just love your cute family. You guys are AWESOME!!! Hopefully I'll get to see you all when I come up at the end of August!
Congratulations! I love the picture of your family at the hospital. So sweet.
So excited to hear the good news! You look great and I am glad it went well.
congratulations! i hope you are feeling well!!!
Congrats Bowens!! We are very happy for you, just sad we won't be able to meet her (for now at least.) Good luck with everything and keep the pictures coming - for us that live so far away now.
Congratulations!! Tom and I looked at pictures together and she is adorable! Thanks Becky for keeping us updated and for sending us picture messages!!!
oh congratulations. she is beautiful, you are beautiful, and i can't wait to hear about life with her!
Jeannettey -- great job on delivering #5 (Phew!). What a blessed little baby to be in such a great home. Wishing you a speedy recovery (since you have four others to chase) and I'm sure you'll have lots of help from the good ward in Riverside! Man, I miss you!
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