Monday, November 7, 2011

Jack's Birthday & my birthday present

Jack turned 8 on the day we arrived in Russia. A couple of days before we left, we gave him our gifts at home and he took treats (E.L. Fudge cookies) to school. We got a new watch, a wallet, and a bank. He is sure a fun guy and we love having him in our family.

He's still a little guy - 10th percentile for both height & weight, but he's full of personality and spunk. He still loves anything he does with his dad, loves all sports and is a great student at school.

When we arrived in Moscow, my mom made him a birthday dinner of cheeseburgers. Then, knowing that cookies were his favorite dessert, she made him some peanut butter cookies. He was in heaven!

My dad is opening a package of icecream. Icecream is really expensive there (we saw some quart sizes for $20). This is a log of chocolate icecream.

My parents gave him some rubbles to buy his Russian souveniors - he was so excited!

Then, the next day was my birthday (more on that on my next post) mom & dad gave me a really fun surprise gift! At first, it's a little creepy, but it's really, really cool!

That's me!!! On a Matruska doll! Wow!!

Then, you open it up and these are inside....





Hannah (a little too angelic for Hannah)


(when the artist painted these, Hailey wasn't born yet, so she just did a generic baby girl).

It was my mom's idea and her artist friend was happy to give it a try! What a fun treat and such a treasure!


Camille said...

Jeanette! That is the COOLEST thing I have ever seen!!

megadog said...

I LOOOOVE your doll. That is so incredibly adorable. A treasure to have forever. What a great idea.

Em said...

Jack is such a cute guy! That doll is amazing. So so neat.

Kelsi said...

Those dolls are AWESOMEEEEEEEEE!!!! My grandma had those when I was little I would always play with them. I can't believe your family is on each one. I LOVE IT!