Friday, November 1, 2013

Worland - UEA weekend

For our UEA break (Utah Education Association), we were excited to go with my parents, Rich & Misty, Mike & Becky and her kids to Worland.  It's such a beautiful time of year and Worland did not disappoint!

We love every minute we get with Aunt Claudia & Uncle Bruce and I know it takes them hours and hours to get ready for us to come and hours and hours putting their house back in order after we leave.

We arrived on Thursday afternoon and almost immediately, had a huge leaf pile!   The kids had a blast playing in it.   Rich & Misty came up the next day and again, the leaf fun continued.

We also did our usual things - sewing, trips to Maverik, Taco Johns for lunch and delicious dinners by Aunt Claudia & Uncle Bruce.   Since it was almost Halloween, we also brought the kid's costumes and "trick-or-treated" to all the doors at the Nielson's and 2 of their sweet neighbors.


Jack & Kate

Hailey trying to help



Everyone took a turn being buried in the leaves.  Here's my cute mom getting ready...

I love this picture - her cute face looking at my brother Mike.


It didn't matter how young you were - you got buried!

Hannah & Brooklyn watching the leaf festivities.  Notice Brooklyn's crack :)

In true paradise form, Lindsey was willing to paint anyone's toenails that wanted it.

And, us girls, sewing.  My mom and I had our machines (I did a quick baby quilt & my secret-sister gift), Becky did her cross stitch and Misty knitted a hat for Max's Halloween costume.

Speaking of Max...isn't he the cutest??!!

When Uncle Rich arrived, the leaves were flying!!

Emily running with Brooklyn & Sophia into the leaf pile

Jack (Harry Potter), Brooklyn (Tinker Bell), Kate (a witch), Hannah (Rapunzel), Sophia (Miss Piggy), Hailey (owl), Lindsey (Hermoine) & Jake (Peter Pan).

Jake was absolutely terrified of Miss Piggy.  It was hilarious - poor little Peter Pan

Sophia was the best Miss Piggy!  She was such a good sport about having a wig and nose on and you could tell she was smiling the whole time - what a great costume!

Grandma reading a story to Hannah, Sophia & Hailey!


Kelsi said...

Oh my gosh all of those costumes are awesome. So fun to see the kids together. Those trips to WY always look so nice and relaxing. Nice to have Becky home for it to! Laughing at Brooklyn's crack!

megadog said...

Cutest costumes and I LOOOOVE your leaf pictures. Love the one of Corinne peeking out! Such a great time.

Em said...

Such cute pictures of all the kids. That is so great you could all go together. Fun that they got to go trick or treating too.