Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Kate Turns 8!!

Our beautiful, wonderful Kate turned 8 a couple of weeks ago!   She gets so excited for her birthday and talks and talks about it and then doesn't sleep very well the night before.    She got up early and actually  opened all her gifts before I had the chance to take a picture of her.   She got a Rapunzel tower Lego set, an air hog (helicopter), a target gift card and some EOS (lip gloss).   She was as happy as could be!

She really, really wanted to go iceskating for her birthday, so Jon was kind enough to take the 4 middle kids (I had to take Emily to an indoor soccer game).   He took a couple pictures for me! 

Then,  (without Jon because he had to go to work), we went out to dinner at Olive Garden.   She loves that place!   My parents and Misty & Rich came too.  It was a really, really nice evening!

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