Sunday, September 23, 2012

"Bless that Grandpa will have a good time in Heaven."

These are the words from Kate's prayers the last few days!
Jon's dad, Jack Bowen, passed away late Thursday night - September 20, 2012.   He was 87 years old and seriously, the kindest, most wonderful father-in-law anyone could ever have!   I just love Jack!   He died at home - his sweet wife, Diane, had cared for him at home.   He had a few days in a hospital bed that was brought it, but thankfully, wasn't in a lot of discomfort or pain.
Jon said goodbye to him on the phone on Thursday morning and tried and tried to get his Thursday evening shift covered so he could drive to Oregon.  No one took it, so he went to work and got a call from Jon's brother Tom around 10:30 that night.    He told me on Friday morning and also told Lindsey, Jack, Kate & Hannah (Emily had already left for school).    Lindsey, Jack & Kate were all crying.   Jon left late Friday morning to drive up to Oregon, so I told Emily when she got home from school.  Emily was crying too.
Jon came home late last night and we'll head up again for the funeral.     What a great man Jack was!  We are so proud that Jack was named after his grandpa Jack.    As Kate would say "Please bless that Grandpa will have a good time in heaven."   I'm sure he will!!

October 2009


Kirsten said...

This makes my heart sad. I've been thinking about him and you guys all week. Sending our love and prayers your way and safe travels when you drive up for the funeral. Sure love you guys.

REBYRYAN said...

So sorry to hear. You're in my prayers! Love you!

john + becky said...

Jack was the nicest man I've ever met. I'm so glad you named your one and only son after him.

Like I told you over the phone...I'll never forget our trip up to Oregon when we stayed with Jon's parents and Jack called Mike "Kevin" :)

The Lilly's said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like he was a wonderful man. I love how the simple words of a child's prayer can bring such comfort.

AnnDee said...

I'm sorry for your loss. Death is the worst part of life, even if they are old... it's still hard to not have them around. The pictures of the kids with him are priceless. He looks like a sweet man. Give Jon and the rest of the family our condolences.

Camille said...

So sorry to hear you guys. What a nice man, love the prayer. Glad that your kids got to know him.