Monday, September 3, 2012

BYU fall sports something or other

As many may know, Jon & I have a mixed marriage - he is a BYU graduate and fan and I am a University of Utah graduate & fan!  Over the years, we've encouraged our children to attend our alma mater's, but Jon has had much more success in this than I have.  I've resigned to the fact that our family are BYU fans!  I love BYU too (and would be thrilled if our children went there), but every once in awhile, I remind them of another great school, the U of U!

Every fall, BYU has a fall sports thing, so this year, Jon rearranged his work schedule so that we could go.  It was a fun family outing, a beautiful summer evening, and we treated ourselves to the BYU Creamery for dinner & dessert.  Very fun!

It was cute to see what each child migrated to...

Lindsey getting women's soccer team signatures

 Emily getting her BYU soccer ball signed by the team.
 Kate watching the cheerleaders and asking for pictures with them.
 And Jack, getting signatures on his new "Every Day is Game Day" shirt from football players.
 And then, playing a little..
 Lindsey playing volleyball with the women's volleyball team.
 All of us!


john + becky said...

You have got to try harder to convince them of the U of U! ha ha, JK!! I've become more of a BYU fan too since being married to my John. I'd prefer they win because he is always in a better mood if they do.

When did Emily grow up?? Wow! I think she has changed even since we've been gone. Such a beautiful girl.

Misty said...

I love how much your kids like BYU. I am a real USU fan, but if my kids wanted to go to BYU, I'd be thrilled!