Monday, May 14, 2012

Easter dinner & basket hunt

When we decided we weren't going to Oregon for Easter, we invited both sides of our families over for dinner.  Easter dinner at the Bowen's growing up was chili, so I found a yummy Wendy's copycat recipe, and that's what we had (I still think ham and funeral potatoes are more appropriate for Easter dinner :)).  

We had dinner and then as another tradition of the Bowen's, the women filled Easter baskets and the men hid them.  The age of the child/teen/young adult determined how difficult the basket was hidden.   For example, Hailey's was in the middle of the grass.  You will see from the pictures where some of the others were hidden...

Anyway, it was a busy, stressful-in-some-ways, day, but it was fun to be with everyone!   But, the next week, about 1/2 of us came down with a horrible 12-hour stomach bug!  It went through our entire family and other family members were affected at all! 

Emily helping Jack get his basket out of the basketball net.

 Meg & Lucy

 Jon's nephew, Matt, on the roof!  Yes, the roof! 

 Brooklyn thrilled with a basket full of candy!

 Kelly, Matt & Tyler up on the roof


 This one was the best...can you see Emily's basket dangling from the light pole?  Nice, Jon Bowen!!

 Cute Sorenson family - Misty, Sophia & Rich

 This girl is a stinker, but I think she's absolutely darling!

Jon's niece, Emily

 Mike returning with Brooklyn, who kept trying to go towards the busy street.

 And, there's nothing like ending a nice evening with a wrestling match (Mike & Jesse Cowden)...

...or by sitting on the lawn enjoying the cool weather!


Becky Sorenson said...

That was a fun Easter. And the chili turned out REALLY good...might need to consider making this a new tradition...well nah, maybe not :)

Thanks for always hosting!!

megadog said...

What a party of all parties. That basket on the light pole is amazing--crazy!
You are an amazing hostess with the mostess!

Em said...

You do so much for everyone! Looks like a really fun night.