Hannah turned 1 month old yesterday - already! I can't believe how fast a month can go. It seems like Hannah has been a part of our family forever and at the same time it seems like she was born just yesterday!
We love having her in our family and think she's very scrumptous!

Weight: 9 lbs (50th percentile)
Height: 21 1/2 inches (75th percentile)
Head Size: 50th percentile
Hair: still dark, but with a receeding hair line (and sometimes dandruff)
Eyes: definitely blue!
Likes: filling as many diapers a day as possible
being held (especially by mommy)
looking at black & white pictures
Dislikes: having diaper rash
sharp fingernails that she scratches her face with
Nicknames: Little Goose &
Kate (at least we keep accidentally calling her that)
Things to work on in the next month of life:
sleeping through the night
not going cross eyed
not soaking mom with spit up at school functions
I'm sorry it has been a while since I have looked on your blog. Congratulations!! what a cutie. I love the pictures that Kirsten took.
Wow, she's changed so much from the last pictures you posted! I love that you describe her as "scrumptious", I often tell Alex he's so scrumptious and Steve makes fun of me!
Can I just tell you how much I love this little girl??!! I love these pictures too because it is so fun to see her awake!! She is darling and Jeannette, the way you write is so fun to read. Sorry about the spit-up fiasco-hopefully she learns not to do that to her mother at school functions!! ;-) She is darling and we love her tons!
She is so darling. Time with a newborn is long yet quick. Hope you get her sleeping. Sadly there's nothing to do for bodily functions, can't escape that.
I can't believe she is already a month. Time goes too fast. She is such a cutie!
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