Monday, March 3, 2008

Are sweet tooth's genetic?

I will openly admit that we eat way too many sweets and treats at our house. The cupboards have such a wide variety of color and sizes to it though, so it's not all bad. Well, Kate is one of the worst. She has figured how to push the chair over to the counter, climb on the counter and get into the candy. The other day, I caught her after she had done this, found a giant chocolate bar, unwrapped it and taken a couple of bites. When I told her to give it back to mom, she crawled under the kitchen table and just laughed. Long ago, I discovered that when the kids are awake, moments of silence usually mean trouble!


Becky Sorenson said...

Ha ha...just like her Aunt Becky!!

Camille said...

That is so funny!!! I can just see you catching her. And I love that she just laughed.

megadog said...

Yes-I know the sweet tooth. I have to admit, I have one myself.
You're right-moments of silence are never good with kids.

Carrie said...

Okay, I am officially a lurker. This is Carrie Jenson, and we use to be in the ward. Your family is getting so big and I cannot believe how unbelievably cute! And another peanut too! How exciting.

I don't know if I ever thanked you for all you did to help us get ready for our move. You are so awesome! We both (yes, Lane too which is hard to believe) miss the people of the ward so very much. If he did not have to take the Ohio bar, I think we would move back in a heartbeat! Maybe in 4 more years when he gets reciprocity (sp?) I am sad that I let work take over my life there and I did not get to know the sisters better/let them get to know me. Thanks for letting me lurk. Feel free to do the same!

Bowen Family said...

Thank you everyone! I love your comments.

Carrie, It's WONDERFUL to hear from you and I hope that all is going well for you and your family. The kids miss seeing Dylan on the bus and at school. You are greatly missed here and we think of you every time we drive by your old place. You are a wonderful example to us all and have such a cute family! Take care and keep in touch! Do you have a blog?

Carrie said...

What? You mean the whole place did not fall apart after we left? hee hee! I know you and Kirsten found us already, but if any old ward friends want to stop by

We miss all of you too!!!!!!!

Debbie said...

Jeannette's pantry is every child's dream. Nothing but cookies and candies... oh and may I have a diet coke too, please? Love ya!