Monday, March 17, 2008

Spring Break - Day One

This week is the kid's spring break, so we're trying to get work done and have some fun too. We started our morning with some good cleaning of the house. The kids worked on the toy room in the basement, Jon scrubbed the shower and picked up our room and I cleaned the bathrooms, dusted and vacuumned. As we were finishing up, I realized that I had yet fed our neighbors cat. (They have been out of town and I first told them that I wouldn't be able to take care of the cat - but somehow I ended up still doing it). I go to get the key and it's gone! We spend the next hour searching the house for that key and we just couldn't find it.

I called our neighbors on their cell phone in an attempt to find another key. Hours later, I finally met their sweet landlord, who had to drive to my house twice before we finally got the right key, and I was able to feed that cat. (For anyone who may think to ask me to care for their animals - think twice. I really don't like them and several have thought it better to die under my care than live through the week).

The rest of the afternoon was literally spent on the phone talking with different sisters in the ward and then as a reward, I took the kids to Graeter's for icecream. They had a great time and all left with little pink faces from running around and having a fun time.

Emily at the bottom of the slide.


Jack - sporting his Star Wars shirt that is about 10 sizes too big.

Kate enjoying her cotton candy ice cream cone.


Britain said...

We so miss Graeters!

Debbie said...

OHHHH Graeter's Raspberry Chip!!! I miss it sooo much and I miss going there with you. I miss our days to Wendy's and the park. Those cold days we spent at gymnastics, mommy and me...

pamela said...

i'm not a fan of animals either.

Jessika said...

Oh man! I miss Graeter's so much! I'm coming up on Saturday though, so I'll be sure to get some while I'm there. By the way, your children are beautiful! I can't believe how grown up Emily looks!!! I miss you guys!