Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring Break - Day Four

We're down to the last few days of break - yeah! We took the morning to recover from our trip yesterday and all slept in, cleaned up, etc. When Jon left for work, I took the kids and we bought the DVD "Enchanted", went Easter clothes shopping and stopped at Rita's for a free treat.

For those who don't live in Columbus, Rita's is an Italian Ice place that is right down our street. Every year, on the first day of spring, they give free ices all day. It was pretty cold here today, but we ventured the cold twice to get some treats. Their new flavor today was birthday cake. It's not easy to imagine how a slushie ice can have a flavor like birthday cake and still taste good, but it does! It's a favorite treat of ours during the summer.

On another fun note, several of our friends had their Match Day for residency today. We were excited to hear that several friends are staying here in Columbus (at least for a year), including Beth & Jeff (Jon's sister), the Rasmussen's and 2 Larson families. But, it's sad to think of saying goodbye to others. It's exciting though to see them finishing up school and moving onto the next step of training! Great job all of you wonderful friends!


Anne said...

Love that photo! We got our free ice (our first time at Rita's ever) just under the buzzer tonight and it was yummy. I wish I had read your post first, though, because I was tempted to try the birthday cake flavor and didn't. I went with the lemonade instead. It was still good. :)

Debbie said...

Oh yum, another favorite thing I miss in Columbus. I remember those days too, free Rita's.

Em said...

It is sad to hear spring break is coming to an end. It is just starting here. It sounds like the kids have had a great time off.